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Reviewers Praise The Pink Swastika
``The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party is a thoroughly researched, eminently readable, demolition of the ``gay'' myth, symbolized by the pink triangle, that the Nazis were anti-homosexual. The deep roots of homosexuality in the Nazi party are brilliantly exposed . . .''
Dr. Howard Hurwitz, Family Defense Council
``As a Jewish scholar who lost hundreds of her family in the Holocaust, I welcome The Pink Swastika as courageous and timely . . . Lively and Abrams reveal the reigning ``gay history'' as revisionist and expose the supermale German homosexuals for what they were - Nazi brutes, not Nazi victims.''
Dr. Judith Reisman, Institute for Media Education
``The Pink Swastika is a tremendously valuable book, replete with impressive documentation presented in a compelling fashion.''William Grigg, The New American
``...exposes numerous lies, and tears away many myths. Essential reading, it is a formidable boulder cast into the path of the onrushing homosexual express...''
Stan Goodenough, Middle East Intelligence Digest
``...a...superb book...'' Dr. Nathaniel Lehrman, Clinical Director, Retired, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center
Reviewers Praise The Pink Swastika
``The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party is a thoroughly researched, eminently readable, demolition of the ``gay'' myth, symbolized by the pink triangle, that the Nazis were anti-homosexual. The deep roots of homosexuality in the Nazi party are brilliantly exposed . . .''
Dr. Howard Hurwitz, Family Defense Council
``As a Jewish scholar who lost hundreds of her family in the Holocaust, I welcome The Pink Swastika as courageous and timely . . . Lively and Abrams reveal the reigning ``gay history'' as revisionist and expose the supermale German homosexuals for what they were - Nazi brutes, not Nazi victims.''
Dr. Judith Reisman, Institute for Media Education
``The Pink Swastika is a tremendously valuable book, replete with impressive documentation presented in a compelling fashion.''William Grigg, The New American
``...exposes numerous lies, and tears away many myths. Essential reading, it is a formidable boulder cast into the path of the onrushing homosexual express...''
Stan Goodenough, Middle East Intelligence Digest
``...a...superb book...'' Dr. Nathaniel Lehrman, Clinical Director, Retired, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center
``The Pink Swastika is a powerful exposure of pre-World War II Germany and its quest for reviving and imitating a Hellenistic-paganistic idea of homo-eroticism and militarism.'' Dr. Mordechai Nisan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
``Lively and Abrams call attention to what Hitlerism really stood for, abortion, euthenasia, hatred of Jews, and, very emphatically, homosexuality. This many of us knew in the 1930's; it was common knowledge, but now it is denied...''
R. J. Rushdoony, The Chalcedon Report
``...a treasury of knowledge for anyone who wants to know what really happened during the Jewish Holocaust...''
Norman Saville, News of All Israel
``...Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams have done America a great service...''
Col. Ronald Ray, Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
``A landmark book for those who have trouble understanding Hitler, the Holocaust...Previous books and movies, however high their quality, have left me mystified as to how the Nazi leaders could have done the things they did. This short book gets closer to the truth than anything I know of.''
John Hully, Former Senior Economist, the World Bank
``...unusually informative and thought provoking...''
Langdon Mustell, Attorney
``A well researched book. The central theme that the Nazi movement was riddled with homosexuals is certainly true.''
Hillmar von Campe, Historian, Halle, Germany
``...incredible...a must read...''Randall Terry
``This is one for your personal library. No doubt you will, at some time, be confronted with the myth of the persecution of homosexuals by the Nazis. Be ready with the facts.''
Paul De Parrie, Life Advocate